Full Stack Web Developer

Something about me...

Hi, I'm Massi, an enthusiastic Junior Web Developer!

After getting my degree in Law and a long career in the music industry (as lighting engineer and designer), I've flown to London to learn how to code.

On the last months I attended Makers Academy bootcamp, a 3 month (plus 1 month of pre-course) full immersive course focused on full-stack development where I had the opportunity to write code in Ruby and Javascript (both client-side and node.js). It is incredible how much I've learnt during this experience.

Before I attended a Front-end web development course at General Assembly focused on HTML5, CSS3, responsive web design, cross-browser implementation, Javascript, jQuery and more.

I really enjoy pairing and working through agile methodologies. I've spent a lot of time studying new things and having fun with the problem solving process.

I am looking for a great place to start a career as developer. In my dream job I would be surrounded by awesome developers that could guide and mentor me to improve my skills and become a great professional.

I usually attend London Node User Group meet-up and during my free time I like to contribute to open source projects. I like good food, wine and I love sports.

Some of my projects

Rent Splitter

Final and personal project for the General Assembly course, my first approach to responsive design

Rent Splitter


My todo list app, one weekend project, where I started to study angularJs, Node.js, Express.



A basic Instagram clone, one weekend project using Rails.



Final group project for the Makers Academy course, using Ruby, Rails, AngularJs, Ionic, Protractor, Karma, Selenium (WIP!).


Front End Skills & Education

General Assembly London, Front-End Web Dev Course (Jan 2015- Mar 2015)

A 10-week course to help me establish strong front-end skills.

  • HTML5, CSS3, cross-browser implementation, responsive web design
  • Javascript, jQuery
  • Fundamentals of UX design

Full Stack Skills & Education

Makers Academy, London, Advanced Full-Stack Dev Course (Jun 2015 - Aug 2015)

A 12-week full immersive coding bootcamp (plus 1 month of pre-course) focussed on pair programming, test driven development and agile practices.

  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Software design
  • Ruby, Rails, Javascript, Node.js, Angular.js
  • TDD, BDD using testing frameworks Rspec, Capybara, Jasmine, Karma & Protractor
  • Learnt to learn
  • Daily standups, weekly retrospectives